EUROGATE Rail Hungary Zrt.

A reliable connection

Privacy Policy

Abuse Reporting System

The company operates an abuse notification system which enables to report any unsuitable acts that violate the law or offends the employer’s rules of conduct.

Anyone who has the legitimate interest of a claim or is remedying the abuse of conduct subject to the notification may make any announcement.

Announcement can be made by using the form on the company’s website. There is no special data management with respect to the data reported in the notification system. The notification system will delete any third-party information or details that are not relevant to the investigation of the notification’s subject.

The person who is not anonymous will not be known to any other person but the investigators. Personal data relating to the notification shall be kept secret.

The announcements will be investigated by the company’s Data Protection Officer (the current quality assurance manager) together with the company’s CEO.

The deadline for investigating the report is usually 30 days, but maximum 3 months.

If the company applies a measure, the personal data of the announcer may be handled until the final proceedings have been closed.

If the company does not take actions, the personal data will be deleted within 60 days.

Obligation to provide information:

– for the notifier

– the person concerned.